pear tree log: I started this blog to keep my younger son, Jonny, in touch with life in Lincolnshire, while he spent a year working in China. That year turned into five! Now he is home and training to become a physics teacher. This is simply a patchwork quilt of some of the things I enjoy - life in rural Lincolnshire, our animals, friends, architecture, books, the gardens, and things of passing interest.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Working in the Owl Wood ...

This is seasoned wood which we prepared last year.
It feeds our Rayburn which gives us lovely hot water, central heating, and fuels our cooking.

This is the newly prepared wood which we will burn next year.
We spent three hours working on that lot today.  
I had to call a halt then because my back was really aching.
(What a wimp)

George assures me that torn bay leaves in my bathwater will soon cure my backache.  Apparently the Romans used to use it as a cure for aches and pains.  
I'll let you know.


  1. The newly prepared wood looks like an art installation! Hope your back feels better.

  2. The newly prepared wood is a beautiful display. I don't know how you can burn it! As for the bay leaves in the bathwater... even if it doesn't work, you will sure smell good. But I hope it works wonders.

  3. As I haul each heavy log (well they are heavy to me)I think "free exercise....cardio, weight lifting,'s doing me good"....then flop in front of the fire with a glass of wine....but I've earned it, right?
    Jane x
    PS We have to dry our wood for two years.

  4. A good woodlot is a thing of beauty. Keeps our studio warm all winter.

  5. Scarlet, We were pretty pleased with the effect, the stacking is the fun bit, after the hard work!

    Mitch, The bay leaves/bath helped a lot, as a temporary relief. My back has something out of kilter now. I'll have to threaten it with a visit to the chiropractor.

    Jane & Chris, It is heavy work, but very satisfying. Our efforts are all carefully monitored by the three hens. When they see what we are doing they come running over and feast on all the insects. Happy hens!

    Joanne, Our woodlot was in a terrible mess when we took it over, no one had looked after it for over twenty years and it was impossible to walk through parts of it. It is one of those jobs where hard work is rewarded in so many ways. We both really enjoy working on it.

  6. So how long will that pile actually last then Elaine?

    I ask because I'm thinking about sorting a possible alternative fuel/heat source this year...

  7. Chris, The wood in that photograph is 3 rows deep and forms about 1/8th of the woodstore. It would probably feed the Rayburn for a month, as well as occasional use of a log burner.

    Just maintaining Owl Wood gives us a lot of raw material, so we are not constantly chopping down healthy trees. The sun is shining, my back feels a bit better - so we are heading off to do some more work out there right now.


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