pear tree log: I started this blog to keep my younger son, Jonny, in touch with life in Lincolnshire, while he spent a year working in China. That year turned into five! Now he is home and training to become a physics teacher. This is simply a patchwork quilt of some of the things I enjoy - life in rural Lincolnshire, our animals, friends, architecture, books, the gardens, and things of passing interest.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011


The apple tree outside the kitchen door has left the lawn littered with windfalls, so - on the basis that the blackbirds cannot possibly eat them all - we gathered the best ones, prepared, blanched and bagged them.   We ended up with 12 bags of apple slices.  Apple pies, apple crumbles, apple cakes, apple sauce ...

We have a super-abundance of spinach right now so I made a huge vat of spinach soup which is to be frozen, ready for those colder days which are just around the corner.  You may be pleased to know that I didn't take photos.

The sloes are amazing this year so we have gathered lots which we'll freeze (imitates frost and softens them) and then turn into sloe gin.

This is my first ever attempt at a still life entry for the village show on Saturday - it's quite nice, but not there yet.

All this is probably displacement activity, as Jonny heads to China tomorrow.  Exciting times, different times!  

Little did Jonny know what he was unleashing when he gave me that camera.

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