This is for my sons, Tim and Jonny, both of whom have lamented my lack of posts.
Sorry, boys. Time is in short supply at the moment. One reason being that I have been busy making things for the church craft sale next month, at South Thoresby, and I still have a way to go. However, now that I know you really do still read my blog I will try to fit in a few posts to keep you in touch with life back home. Love, Mum xx
Thank you to everyone for your lovely comments on previous posts, my apologies if I haven't answered your comment yet.
Whenever I take Toby out for a walk we call in to visit old Arnold, give him a few treats and a bit of attention.
The other day we had a stalker - Bennie.
Can you see her?
It seems that Bennie and Arnold are well acquainted for she strolled up to him, through his legs and then sat down and had a wash. Arnold bent his head to her and blew softly through his nose; Bennie calmly carried on washing, looking for all the world as though she belongs there.
Moments before, Arnold and Toby had been 'nose to nose' having a little exchange of old gentlemanly conversation - restrained, dignified, amiable.
I had a chat with the
wonderful John. He is keeping busy, despite having had a fall earlier in the week. Luckily he doesn't seem to have done anything more than bruise himself. Thank goodness.
I was admiring the Chinese Lanterns in his garden, their glorious orange and pumpkin colours are such a delightful sight on an autumnal day.

I was privileged enough to be shown his greenhouse.
I was struck with tomato envy!
They are big and very prolific, great heavy clusters draped all around.
Despite his modesty, his vegetable garden was making a good show too.
Runner beans, carrots, beetroot, outdoor tomatoes, etc, etc.
John always has something to chat about, some helpful advice, or an interesting story.
Ninety-five years old and going strong.
A truly wonderful man.

Toby and I bade John farewell, left Bennie with Arnold, and continued our walk to the fishponds. Some of you may remember that there were two families of geese raised together on the fish pond, earlier this year, here they are - all grown up.
Toby sauntered over, acting for all the world as though he couldn't see them, he got pretty close and then whoosh, up they flew, over my head and back onto the pond.
All their care and caution seems to have paid dividends.
Now I am wondering, will they stay or will they go?
A bit further on I passed another family, I think they could be related to Triffids...
They were about eight feet tall and pretty large, I'm so pleased I took this quick photograph of them because they have been cut down now.
I know I have shown you this family before, but they seem to be the most relaxed and contented group.
They won't be outdoors enjoying sunshine on their backs for much longer,
so I made the most of the opportunity to photograph them again.
On the homeward stretch we were met by Bennie sauntering along the road, her tail up in greeting.
I am going to have to run through the road safety code with that little cat.
I had hoped to be able to bring you news of some new additions to our family, they were due in September, but they haven't arrived, as yet.
We are expecting another little group of rescue hens.
Poor little things will arrive 'ready plucked' and bewildered, but before too long they will feather up and then we'll gradually introduce them to the woodland and freedom to roam during the day.
Exciting times.